R&D Projects

WorkFloor BV participates in the following R&D projects:


The high volume supply chain for Integrated Photonics

receives subsidy for the following activities:

In the FLEXIT project, a supply chain for Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) is being developed. The FLEXIT-method is being used to integrate SiN and InP photonic components. Further development of the FLEXIT-method will enable processing large parts of photonic chips on industrial level. In addition, a variety of supply chain processes will be optimized to increase the performance of the technique. Two demo products will be selected to test the supply chain. These products will be developed upon and altered to fit into the new FLEXIT product standard which is fit for mass production.

On top of that a design-tool will be created on top of already existing software for development of products within the FLEXIT-method. Finally the whole digital chain will be mapped, enabling optimization of all production processes part of the supply chain.


Growth by developing metrology equipment for the production of photonic integrated circuits, to support digitalization and the energy transition.

In the project MEKOPP, two machines are being developed: s Photonics Test Prober and a Photonics Visual Inspection Tool.

The result of the project will be the visual inspection and the test prober for PIC-production lines of TRL 8 at the end of 2023. The basis of both tools with the generic testing platform (mechanical, electrical and software), with which future applications developments and upgrades can be realized quickly and efficiently.

The operational program (OP) EFRO Oost-Nederland is a collective subsidy program of the provinces Overijssel and Gelderland and works for the structural reinforcement of the economy. The eastern Netherlands use the EFRO funds to stimulate innovation and a low-carbon economy. The goal is for SME-companies in the eastern Netherlands to generate more revenue from new products.